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7 Steps to Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy that Works

Written by Sara DeNunzio | May 3, 2024 5:29:22 PM

Attention is fragmented. Competition is fierce. Companies are finding it harder to capture the elusive interest of potential customers. This is the reality of digital marketing in 2024: the emergence of new tech, the sophistication of algorithms and the ever-shifting behavior of consumers are presenting a maze of challenges for digital marketers.

Crafting a strategic road map is essential for navigating the complexities of the digital landscape and standing out in the crowd. Here are the steps for a digital marketing strategy that works:

  1. Define Your Business Goals

Your business doesn’t run on likes, shares or even website visits.

Start by clearly defining your business goals. What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing efforts? If the business needs more leads, then that must be the goal of your marketing strategy. If sales needs more brand awareness to sell more, then that is your goal. If you want to shorten the sales cycle, then make that your goal.

Linking your marketing goals to the goals of the business is essential for both driving and measuring success.

  1. Understand Your Audience

Your customers are the core of your digital marketing strategy.

Don’t assume you already know your customers. Conduct thorough market research to understand their demographics, preferences and pain points. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights and customer surveys to gather valuable data.

One of the most valuable tools you can use to understand your audience is a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a data-driven and research-based fictional representation of your ideal customer. The steps they take in making a purchase are known as the buyer’s journey. The more accurate your buyer persona, the more effective your digital marketing strategy will be.

  1. Select the Right Tools and Channels

Meet your audience where they are.

Digital marketing offers a wealth of tools, tactics and channels. Selecting the right tools and channels, the ones that will reach and influence your target persona, is the key to success. For example, if you know that your prospects spend time on Facebook, then you know Facebook is a tool for building brand awareness. If your prospect trusts case studies and customer reviews, then that content should be part of your digital strategy.

Select your channels, craft a content plan that aligns with the buyer’s journey, and select the content and tools that will deliver your goals.

  1. Get Up to Date on the Latest Trends and Tech

Adapt to changes to stay ahead of the curve.

From the promise and risk of AI, to the immersive experiences of VR and AR, to the challenges of hyper-personalization, digital marketing is constantly evolving. By staying informed about these trends, you can better understand how consumers work, learn, shop and play, and then use these technologies in your strategies to make your marketing more engaging and effective.

  1. Choose the Right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Platform

A CRM platform is essential for managing customer interactions.

Choose a CRM system that aligns with your current business needs with the capability to scale and grow with your business and as your needs change. It should help you track leads, nurture relationships and analyze customer behavior.

HubSpot is one of the most effective platforms because it was built from the ground up to support growing businesses and digital marketing. It tracks customer relationships and facilitates marketing, sales and service processes. One standout feature is how HubSpot syncs every interaction with a contact, creating a single source of truth for your team. This type of data alignment is essential for increasing customer loyalty while saving time on manual entry.

  1. Schedule for Success

Consistency is key in digital marketing.

Create a content calendar and schedule your social media posts, email campaigns and blog updates. Use automation tools to streamline your efforts and maintain a regular posting schedule. Make yourself a steady, welcome, and supportive presence in the eyes of your customers and prospects.

A well-organized content calendar not only helps you track progress toward your goals but also saves you time and reveals synergies in your work. For instance, consider repurposing blog content for an email campaign.

  1. Adapt with Analytics

No plan survives first contact, even in marketing.

That’s why the ability to learn and adjust is so important. Set goals for your campaign and monitor your progress using analytics tools. Track metrics like website traffic, conversion rates and social media engagement as well as sales numbers.

Use the insights to refine your strategy, optimize campaigns and adapt to changing consumer behaviors. If you see a weakness in one area of your strategy, then brainstorm how to improve and optimize. If you aren’t seeing the conversions you need, maybe you need a new offer or a better landing page. If you don’t have enough web traffic, maybe a PPC campaign will drive more traffic.

Work with Experts to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Marketing Efforts.

Whether it’s refining your target audience, optimizing your channels or measuring ROI, the digital marketing experts at GO2 can elevate your game. We can provide not only digital marketing expertise, but also skills like development, content creation and design work to fill in the gaps you may have in your internal resources.

Don’t navigate the digital landscape alone — consult with the pros today.